How to say Potential in other languages in the world?
How to say potential in different languages in the world | words for potential in other languages | potential translated in other languages | potential in all languages | different ways to say potential? | potential said in different languages | potential in other words | How to Say potential in Many Languages
Know several ways to say Potential in other languages
दुनिया में विभिन्न भाषाओं में क्षमता कैसे कहें | अन्य भाषाओं में क्षमता के लिए शब्द | अन्य भाषाओं में संभावित अनुवाद | सभी भाषाओं में क्षमता | संभावित कहने के विभिन्न तरीके? | क्षमता विभिन्न भाषाओं में कहा | दूसरे शब्दों में क्षमता | कई भाषाओं में क्षमता कैसे कहें
How to say potential in foreign languages | Ways to say potential in foreign languages?
How to say potential in Latin language | Latin word for potential | what is the word potential in Latin?
S.No |
say potential In Latin language |
1 |
potentia |
How to say potential in Haitian Creole language?
S.No |
Say potential In Haitian Creole language |
2 |
potansyèl |
How to say potential in Esperanto language?
S.No |
say potential In Esperanto language |
3 |
potencialo |
How to say potential in Asian languages | Ways to say potential in Asian languages
How to say potential in Nepali language?
S.No |
say potential In Nepali language |
1 |
सम्भावित |
How to say potential in Vietnamese language?
S.No |
say potential In Vietnamese language |
2 |
tiềm năng |
How to say potential in Tajik language?
S.No |
say potential In Tajik language |
3 |
потенсиал |
How to say potential in Mongolian language?
S.No |
say potential In Mongolian language |
4 |
боломжит |
How to say potential in Uzbek language?
S.No |
say potential In Uzbek language |
5 |
salohiyat |
How to say potential in Tamil language?
S.No |
say potential in Tamil language |
6 |
சாத்தியமான |
How to say potential in Telugu language?
S.No |
say potential in Telugu language |
7 |
సంభావ్య |
How to say potential in Malayalam language?
S.No |
say potential in Malayalam language |
8 |
സാധ്യതയുള്ള |
How to say potential in Urdu language?
S.No |
say potential In Urdu language |
9 |
ممکنہ |
How to say potential in Turkish language?
S.No |
say potential in Turkish language |
10 |
potansiyel |
How to say potential in Sinhala language?
S.No |
say potential In Sinhala language |
11 |
විභව |
How to say potential in Thai language?
S.No |
say potential in Thai language |
13 |
ที่อาจเกิดขึ้น |
How to say potential in Kazakh language?
S.No |
say potential in Kazakh language |
14 |
әлеует |
How to say potential in Korean language | Korean word for potential
S.No |
say potential In Korean language |
15 |
가능성 [ganeungseong] |
How to say potential in Marathi language?
S.No |
say potential in Marathi language |
16 |
संभाव्य |
How to say potential in Lao language?
S.No |
say potential In Lao language |
17 |
ມີສັກຍະພາບ |
How to say potential in Japanese language | how do you say potential in Japanese | Japanese word for potential | what is the Japanese word for potential | the word potential in Japanese
S.No |
say potential In Japanese language |
18 |
潜在的な |
How to say potential in Hindi language | Hindi word for potential| potential के लिए हिंदी शब्द
S.No |
say potential in Hindi language |
19 |
क्षमता |
How to say potential in Khmer language?
S.No |
say potential in Khmer language |
21 |
សក្តានុពល |
How to say potential in Kannada language?
S.No |
say potential In Kannada language |
22 |
ಸಂಭಾವ್ಯ |
How to say potential in Georgian language?
S.No |
say potential in Georgian language |
23 |
პოტენციური |
How to say potential in Hmong language?
S.No |
say potentialin Hmong language |
24 |
tej zaum |
How to say potential in Bengali language?
S.No |
say potential in Bengali language |
25 |
সম্ভাব্য |
How to say potential in Gujarati language?
S.No |
say potential In Gujarati language |
26 |
સંભવિત |
How to say potential in Chinese Traditional xìnyòngkǎ fùkuǎn) language
S.No |
say potential In Chinese Traditional xìnyòngkǎ fùkuǎn) language |
27 |
潛在 [qiánzài] |
How to say potential in Chinese Simplified xìnyòngkǎ fùkuǎn) language
S.No |
say potential in Chinese Simplified xìnyòngkǎ fùkuǎn) language |
28 |
潜在 [qiánzài] |
How to say potential in Azerbaijani language?
S.No |
say potential in Azerbaijani language |
29 |
potensial |
How to Say potential in Armenian language?
S.No |
say potential in Armenian language |
30 |
պոտենցիալ |
How to Say Potential in Middle Eastern languages | Ways to say in Potential Middle Eastern languages
How to say potential in Persian language?
S.No |
say potential In Persian language |
1 |
پتانسیل |
How to say potential in Hebrew language?
S.No |
say potential in Hebrew language |
2 |
פוטנציאל |
How to say potential in Arabic language | Arabic word for potential
S.No |
say potential In Arabic language |
3 |
محتمل [muhtamal] |
How to Say Potential in European languages | Ways to say Potential in European languages
How to say potential in Basque language?
S.No |
say potential in Basque language |
1 |
potentzial |
How to say potential in Albanian language?
S.No |
say potential in Albanian language |
2 |
potencial |
How to say potential in Bosnian language?
S.No |
say potential in Bosnian language |
3 |
potencijal |
How to say potential in Belarusian language?
S.No |
say potential In Belarusian language |
4 |
патэнцыял |
How to say potential in Bulgarian language?
S.No |
say potential In Bulgarian language |
5 |
потенциал |
How to say potential in Croatian language?
S.No |
say potential In Croatian language |
6 |
potencijal |
How to say potential in Catalan language?
S.No |
say potential In Catalan language |
7 |
potencial |
How to say potential in Czech language?
S.No |
say potential In Czech language |
8 |
potenciál |
How to say potential in Danish language?
S.No |
say potential In Danish language |
9 |
potentiel |
How to say potential in Estonian language?
S.No |
say potential in Estonian language |
10 |
potentsiaal |
How to say potential in Dutch language?
S.No |
say potential In Dutch language |
11 |
potentieel |
How to say potential in Finnish language?
S.No |
say potential in Finnish language |
12 |
mahdollinen |
How to say potential in Galician language?
S.No |
say potential In Galician language |
13 |
potencial |
How to say potential in French language?
S.No |
Say potential In French language |
14 |
potentiel |
How to say potential in Greek language |Greek words for potential| potential के लिए ग्रीक शब्द | Greek word for potential| what is the Greek word for potential
S.No |
Say potential In Greek language |
15 |
δυνητικός [dynitikós] |
How to say potential in Icelandic language | Icelandic word for potential
S.No |
say potential in Icelandic language |
16 |
Möguleiki |
How to say potential in German language | German word for potential
S.No |
say potential in German language |
17 |
Potenzial |
How to say potential in Irish language?
S.No |
say potential In Irish language |
18 |
féideartha |
How to say potential in Hungarian language?
S.No |
say potential In Hungarian language |
19 |
lehetséges |
How to say potential in Italian language?
S.No |
say potential In Italian language |
20 |
potenziale |
How to say potential in Romanian language?
S.No |
Say potential In Romanian language |
21 |
potenţial |
How to say potential in Latvian language?
S.No |
say potential In Latvian language |
22 |
potenciāls |
How to say potential in Lithuanian language?
S.No |
say potential in Lithuanian language |
23 |
potencialus |
How to say potential in Macedonian language?
S.No |
say potential In Macedonian language |
24 |
потенцијал |
How to say potential in Norwegian language | Norwegian word for potential | potential in Norwegian
S.No |
say potential In Norwegian language |
25 |
potensial |
How to say potential in Portuguese language?
S.No |
Say potential In Portuguese language |
26 |
potencial |
How to say potential in Polish language?
S.No |
say potential In Polish language |
27 |
potencjał |
How to say potential in Maltese language?
S.No |
Say potential In Maltese language |
28 |
potenzjal |
How to say potential in Yiddish language?
S.No |
say potential In Yiddish language |
29 |
פּאָטענציעל |
How to say potential in Welsh language?
S.No |
say potential In Welsh language |
30 |
potensial |
How to say potential in Ukrainian language?
S.No |
say potential In Ukrainian language |
31 |
потенціал [potentsial] |
How to say potential in Serbian language?
S.No |
say potential In Serbian language |
32 |
потенцијал [potencijal] |
How to say potential in Swedish language?
S.No |
say potential In Swedish language |
33 |
potential |
How to say potential in Slovak language?
S.No |
Say potential In Slovak language |
34 |
potenciál |
How to say potential in Slovenian language?
S.No |
say potential In Slovenian language |
35 |
potencial |
How to say potential in Spanish language | Spanish word for potential
S.No |
say potential In Spanish language |
36 |
potencial |
How to say potential in Russian language | Russian word for potential | potential रूसी भाषा में
S.No |
say potential In Russian language |
37 |
потенциал [potentsial] |
How to say Potential in Austronesian languages | ways to say Potential in Austronesian languages
How to say potential in Filipino language?
S.No |
say potential In Filipino language |
1 |
potensyal na |
How to say potential in Cebuano language?
S.No |
Say potential In Cebuano language |
2 |
potensyal |
How to say potential in Indonesian language?
S.No |
say potential In Indonesian language |
3 |
potensi |
How to say potential in Malagasy language?
S.No |
say potential In Malagasy language |
4 |
mety |
How to say potential in Maori language?
S.No |
say potential In Maori language |
5 |
pea |
How to say potential in Malay language?
S.No |
say potential in Malay language |
6 |
berpotensi |
How to say potential in Javanese language?
S.No |
say potential In Javanese language |
7 |
potensial |
How to say Potential in African languages | Ways to say Potential in African languages
How to say potential in Somali language?
S.No |
say potential In Somali language |
1 |
ka iman kara |
How to say potential in Swahili language | potential in Swahili language
S.No |
say potential In Swahili language |
2 |
uwezo |
How to say potential in Yoruba language?
S.No |
say potential In Yoruba language |
3 |
o pọju |
How to say potential in Sesotho language?
S.No |
say potential In Sesotho language |
4 |
‘nang |
How to say potential in Igbo language?
S.No |
say potential In Igbo language |
5 |
nwere |
How to say potential in Hausa language?
S.No |
say potential In Hausa language |
6 |
m |
How to say potential in Chichewa language?
S.No |
say potential In Chichewa language |
7 |
kuthekera |
How to say potential in Afrikaans language | African word for potential
S.No |
say potential In Afrikaans language |
8 |
potensiaal |
How to say potential in Zulu language?
S.No |
say potential In Zulu language |
9 |
ezingaba |